from BTemplates!

Domo Arigato...

Quick Thanks post this year- I asked the kids to name what they were thankful for again. 
Kaden: "Legos & his family"
Kyson: "Just Legos"
MiaJolie: "Ummm....thanks for  treats?"
 Well at least 1 out of 3 gets it...maybe next year! I'm thankful for our continued blessings- sometimes it's easy to get down and think about the things you think you're lacking- but really we are so lucky to have everything we really need and more. I'm most grateful for my wonderful family- they are my whole world. I'm also thankful that during these uncertain times Tyler has a good job and that I've been able to be there for the kids at home.

Auntie Erica Gets Married

Aunt Erica got married to Uncle Lenny on November 12th! She had Kaden, Kyson and MiaJolie in her wedding as ring bearers and flower girl- it was kind of stressful for me not knowing how Mia would react- and she almost threw a big fit and cried down the aisle! Then right before she went down the aisle she pulled it together with Kaden's help- he is the best big brother!

Mia wins toddler of the year award for this- she wore these hot rollers for 30 minutes! She didn't want to but she left them in because I asked her to! <3 that girl!
Mia looking gorgeous in her dress from Aunt "Ca"

Here she is- afraid but doing ok with big brother's help :)

With the bride- a handsome bunch!

8 Years Ago

Awe, look at us! Our new family pics had this pose that reminded me of our engagement photo! Crazy huh? What a fun coincidence. I'm not sure how I got him to stick around for 8 years but I hope he'll stay for a few you, Ty!