from BTemplates!

Pretty Dang Smart If I Do Say So Myself...

I know it is a really badly lit picture, but you can clearly see that Kaden has here conceived and then constructed and operated a simple pully system with which to raise his dad's slipper. It might not seem like much to you- but I think it's pretty amazing considering he's only 3 and a half and has never seen a pully used up close in real life (or on TV that I know of). So please allow me here a small space on the internet for parental pride.

Our Morning

Today began with some Halloween pancakes (the only cookie cutters I own). I used my awesome new Pampered Chef stone bar pan and baked the melt-in-your-mouth pancakes in the oven. They were super fluffy!

Here is Ky, enjoying the pancakes (Kaden enjoyed them too- he just wouldn't let me take a pic):

Next it was tub time-

Then they played on the train table before Ky's nap.

So that is how our morning went- I love being able to have laid back days like this.

The Boys' New Puppy

Well long story short we wanted a dog that would actually play with our boys (we love Mitzi but she's quite the couch potato). Enter Ahsoka (A star wars the clone wars character name), the newest member of the family. She's a 9 week old min pin/chihuahua mix (i.e. bundle of energy). I'm pretty sure she has rubber foot pads because she bounces around like crazy! She's doing really well with potty training- no crated accidents for a couple of nights now and she has already learned 'sit.' She wears Mitzi out with all her rambunctious play but they do well together playing tug of war and wrestling. I'm not sure Mizti had much socialization with dogs so it's really helping her out a lot. Anyway, here she is:


Help! I am so pale...look at that pasty whiteness...I know Nicole Kidman & Katy Perry can pull it off, but I can't stand it- I look like Edward Scissor Hands. Alas, I don't want to end up looking like a leather purse when I'm what are my alternatives? Spray tans look kind of fake and don't last, and I have yet to find any good at-home products. (The gradual sun lotions don't work and they stink!) I AM wearing bronzer in this photo and I'm STILL white! Please help ladies if you have any tricks I'd be eternally grateful!
Observe: Yummy golden (and carcinogenic) glow vs. Pasty whiteness