Kyson: Do you know skeletons don't have penises? They just have bones. And they kinda don't have bums either.
22 January2012
Mia: Where ma bink?! (throws hands up hands in quizzical gesture)
Me: Upstairs in your bed.
Mia: YOU get it. (Thrusts pointer finger at me)
Me: No, you can go get it.
Mia: (Indignant) NO ME GET IT- YOU! Pleeeaase??
Kyson: That kinda fweaks me out!
1April2011 Kyson (after poking himself between the toes on a piece of wire fence): Look, I have a hole! But my human body will fix it so I'm not a skeleton!
8February2011 Me: Kyson, do you need to go potty? Kyson: No, Batgirl! Now get in my batcave!
15September2010 Kaden's hand-washing song: "Mia, you're so beautiful! I love you, and your smile...I love you, I love you...!"
7September 2010 Me: Kyson do you want the green one or the yellow one? Kyson: I want the not-green one.
30July2010 Me: Would you still love me if I turned into a slimy monster? Kaden: Yes, IF you didn't try to destroy me.